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(needs assessment)

См. также в других словарях:

  • Needs assessment — is a systematic process for determining and addressing needs, or gaps between current conditions and desired conditions or wants . The discrepancy between the current condition and wanted condition must be measured to appropriately identify the… …   Wikipedia

  • Needs analysis — is the formal process defined by K Tara Smith[1] that sits alongside Requirements analysis and focuses on the human elements of the requirements. Contents 1 Introduction 2 Underlying principles of needs analysis 3 …   Wikipedia

  • assessment — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ broad, general, overall ▪ individual ▪ continuous, regular ▪ Examination is by continuous assessment …   Collocations dictionary

  • assessment — as‧sess‧ment [əˈsesmənt] noun 1. [countable, uncountable] a judgement that you make about a person or situation after considering all the information: • They will have to make an assessment of the services required to meet the health needs of the …   Financial and business terms

  • assessment centre — noun A place where young offenders are detained so that their individual needs can be assessed and recommendations formulated about their future • • • Main Entry: ↑assess * * * aˈssessment centre 8 [assessment centre] (BrE) ( …   Useful english dictionary

  • Оценка потребностей (needs assessment) — О. п. инструмент прикладных исследований, использующийся в качестве вспомогательного средства в планировании соц. услуг. Ее возникновение относится к примерно 1975 г., периоду, связанному с появлением целого ряда новых, связанных между собой,… …   Психологическая энциклопедия

  • Need assessment — Needs Assessment or Community Needs Analysis provides a method of assessing the total needs of a community of people: of that community, for that community and by that community.Community needs assessment involves assessing the needs that people… …   Wikipedia

  • Assessment for Learning — In classrooms where assessment for learning is practised, students know at the outset of a unit of study what they are expected to learn. At the beginning of the unit, the teacher will work with the student to understand what she or he already… …   Wikipedia

  • Environmental impact assessment — Environmental law …   Wikipedia

  • Formative assessment — is a self reflective process that intends to promote student attainment [ [http://www.leeds.ac.uk/educol/documents/00001862.htm Crooks, T. (2001), The Validity of Formative Assessments, Paper presented to the British Educational Research… …   Wikipedia

  • Managerial assessment of proficiency — The term managerial assessment of proficiency (MAP) describes a methodology for the assessment of managerial competence in human resource and training applications. MAP is designed for evaluation of a manager s proficiency in 12 prescribed… …   Wikipedia

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